Two facts hurt most. Leave alone the intelligence failure and back-dated weapons which I presume had a lot to do in this case.
One... those 9 hours !!! And the attack wasnt in any remote village in MP. It was at places which have been notified as terror targets since years. I wonder why they spared the BSE ? The home ministry simply doesnt get it ! During the Kargil war they took 4hours to convey critical information from the Indian Air Force to the Indian Army. Shows their indifference and incompetence.
Second... and this almost left all educated Indians feel stupid ! Manmohan Singh's speech ! What was he trying to do ?? read the country's epitaph ? It did not even sound sad .. it sounded pathetic.
Forgetful as we are .. I feel our media must play a big role in making this country a terror-aware state. Stop the fucking saas-bahu shows and at least for an hour a day when the viewing is max.. do a terrorist- politician show to make the country aware of what we are up against and who we are voting to protect ourselves. TOI had terror on its front page during the siege. Since last four days its only what Pakistan is saying about terror and what Kasav is eating and shitting. who wants to know that ? the point is what are We doing ? We have gone back to our daily lives after seeing a horror movie .. thats the truth. And why blame Pakistan ? when militancy is rife in every state in India! what are we doing to counter terrorism within? look at the Bangladesh India border! Who needs the Wagah border to enter India? Take a flight from Lahore to Dacca.. and then drive en route to the border .. tip the BSF and get in to India !!! Bengal Bihar UP and Orissa are going to be (if not already) the terror hub of the future. These states are filled with antisocial elements who wont need a sermon to turn 'jihad'i.. they just need an AK47.
Let the 3 forces do their job .. I am sure they know more about handling Pakistan(I dont care if its their Govt or the ISI) than we do. As for citizens like us .. let all of us be aware.. keep our eyes open. spread the word to the pan/bidi shops and the auto wallahs and the taxi wallahs we meet. spread it among colleagues .. among everyone. Let us be alert .. let us be suspicious ... and this is nothing new. Israel has survived since 1948 with this strategy.. their civilians are the eyes and ears of their administration.. even their intelligence. No one knows the actual number working for Mossad, what makes it deadly is the fact that they use their citizens across the world as their intelligence network. let each of us be the eyes and ears of the ATS. Let us have a terror-alert number to report any suspicious movements.. any activity which is out of the ordinary to the police .. to the local media.. let this country of ours live in terror.. Yes let them know we are terrified.. but we are not afraid.. We are mad.. let there be method in that madness.
let us do nothing heroic.. but the little that we can .. let no fisherman see a rubber boat coming his way and believe that its occupants are students returning from a sea trip. This is not the time to be naive ..despite what Mr. PM says. there will be rumors and false alarms .. but at least that will keep our police forces on their toes.. morover it will keep us on our toes. Together, let us say F*** YOU! That unfortunately is the tune of modern India.. a cruder version of the 'mile sur mera tumhara'
Great thought brother!!!
I have also something to put on.I didn find the medium,but it would be appropriate if i continue with ur blog....
"Mumbai attacks have made people think. Me too. What is the result of the thought? More hatred. We are hating everybody we see. We are hating politicians, Babus, Film Stars, other religions, other countries and ourselves. So the purpose that terrorists attacked India got not only fulfilled but they achieved more than they wanted to do.
Who are these terrorists? I find many of us are same as these terrorists. We hate and till others or we do not die we hate. Terrorists killed 182 people and affected 110 Crore people. Do not mistake this as a positive move. We are still not united. We are still fighting. Only difference is earlier less people were fighting now more are fighting. Result is hatred. So we are bigger enemies to our country than these terrorists.
First correct self. Near and dear ones then you will see the society changing. You can not continue breaking rules and expect everybody in this world following it. First you follow rules, inspire people arround you to follow rules then the entire country will follow rules one day and we will not have any security lapse. First you love yourself, your neighbours, colleagues irrespective of religion and caste you will see all will start loing each other. Then terrorists can not dare to touch us"
Thats my thoght..though im not able to put in the bundle.. i am trying.
Are you doing the same? Ask urself.
You made a very valid point. Why blame another country when the cancer is within? This country is ours... its disgrace is ours.. its fear is ours .. in fact it is us.. Indians. Let us change ourselves and become more accountable for our deeds. Let every Indian wear the tag with dignity .. not as a stigma of a third world country. We are a nation of people who have become used to complaining. If the terrorists were home grown we would have blamed our Govt. instead of Pakistan.. but never would we blame ourselves for electing that govt. Our by-standing days are over.. lets do every bit that each of us can do as an Indian.. for once lets hold the post and let the tricolour fly proud !
Liked it Sapto! While I was watching CNN when the only news was Mumbai. The Intelligence officer of US seconded by Kissinger said we are dealing with a country essentially weak. Rather the whole south Asia is weak..be it Nepal, Bangladesh, SriLanka or Pak. Our (US) friend Pak. has been of great help in past and so is now but it too is struggling with terror. So we cant be strict with that country. He even said rest of the countries in Asia want the region and especially India to remain weak and they can derail it in seconds with easy human bombs in Pak. and Indian government afraid of chasing terrorists in mosques on its own land. You are right rather than 'mile sur mera tumhara' the cry of Vande Mataram! has to be raised again.
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