Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Measure of a Man

What is the yardstick to measure a man ? It is sadly amusing how the answer has changed with time. When I was in school, words like 'honesty', and 'integrity' sounded difficult yet achievable (even though they were only heard in moral science classes.. where a lot of other things were heard too. Sex education being one to top the class list !)

As time passed, these words became like vestigial organs. Present in the lexicon, but primarily unused, or used only as fillers, like the "like", "you know what" and the "kind of"s we come across everyday.

At some point they become like a tumor. You just want to get rid of them. You do not want to hear them anymore(from others and certainly not from your conscience) because they are so far-fetched in meaning that they are actually detrimental to your success. They stand in the path of your progress.

But then what happens to the yardstick you were lining up against ? Isn't the benchmark supposed to be a constant ? is that not basic science ? So, must it not be the same for measuring a man ?

In a life where we are getting so used to compromises, there aught to be a little corner reserved for Les Uncompromisables. Some things that are not sellable. Not at any cost. The yardstick, against which to measure oneself. I ought to be able to stand alone in front of the mirror and ask myself; Where do i stand as a human being ? And the answer which comes back must be from a constant uncompromising source within me which is not affected by the compromises i make. What good is a compass if it shows a different 'North' every time ? What good is a man if he measures himself by his own flawed standards ?

I haven't forgotten everything that school taught me. But I feel a strong urge to revisit them. With age we learn to become more reasonable. What we must also learn is that some things are best left unreasonable.

I am going back to rereading the Aesop's Fables, however stupid that might look !


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Stupidity;?..Reading Aesops Fables and trying to implement the morale in your practical life will be an act fit for a stupid?.
The answer,if you care for it,both can simultaneously be 'Yes' and 'No'
and that will also give you the answer you searching for--As that will demarcate a 'man'from 'Sub-Human;."

Rajarshi Chattaraj said...

I think the following lyrics would be quite relevant here: